Wednesday, June 16, 2010


“Meaning is produced and reproduced under specific social conditions, through specific material forms and agencies. It exists in relationship to concrete subjects and objects, and is inexplicable except in terms of this set of relationships”

- Kress and Van Leeuen, 2002

According to Kress (2003), semiotics takes the sign - a fusion of a form and a meaning, as its basic unit. In making signs we, embedded in our cultures, select forms in such a way that they expresses the meanings that we have hence signs always express, through their form, the meanings that the makers of signs have wished to make. Through this assignment, I have learned about the ethics of blogging and the design structure that goes into making a blog look presentable. As in most blogs form follows function, ours was for college it had to keep a professional tone. My task was to attempt to follow the pre-given ordering of the written text, as addressed by Kress and Van Leeuen (1996) embodying the authority of the author, working assiduously to reproduce the meaning which the author had intended to retain credibility of my content what I referenced various scholars and avoid defamation and infringement rights. Images were to be articulated carefully and sourced if they were not our own. Balance in photo placement, text layout, and colours were essential to the final product of this blog.

Hope you enjoyed reading my blog!


Kress, G.R, 2003, Literacy in the new media age, Routledge, London.

Kress, G.R. and van Leeuwen, T 1996, Reading Images: the grammar of graphic design, Routledge, London

Kress, G.R. and Van Leeuwen, T 2002, Multimodal Discourse: the modes and media of contemporary communication. Edwaqd Arnold, London.

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